Introducing TAMOSI
What We Do
Advanced Solutions For A Better Future
The information age is bringing about considerable challenges. Emerging as the most important asset, information, and it's associated problems, are going to be paramount to solve. Solving these problems with energy-efficient computational power and pervasive information security is a balance these new technologies need to strive to achieve. At TAMOSI we have developed industry-leading technologies designed to change the way we think of computing, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Industrial Control Systems (ICS) security.
The Problem
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Industrial IoT are NOT secure from cyber attacks
With an exponential rise in cyber-attacks and network security threats, enterprises and government organizations alike, have increased the demand for new Industrial Control Systems (ICS) security. Huge investments are being made in smart technologies and innovative solutions for the current IIoT infrastructure landscape. The IIoT infrastructure should be protected by a comprehensive security solution (device-to-cloud) that does not disrupt operations, service reliability or profitability. The major reasons for the vulnerability of IIoT are:
IIoT/CPS are not cyber-physical secure; Designed to be closed systems.
New technologies (especially wireless) create vulnerabilities that didn’t exist before.
Next generation secure communication will take a decade to arrive.
Experts agree that the problem is expected to grow.
Research-Backed Technology
Advanced Computing Framework Benefits
Tamosi's Advanced Computing Framework, leveraging Hybrid Computing, will champion a computational revolution.
TAMOSI's Patented Advanced Computing Framework consists of innovative mixed-signal computation circuits to overcome problems of both digital and analog computing. It's fast, stable, field-programmable, and performs computations with real numbers. Differential equations –ubiquitous in science, engineering, technology, commerce, and other areas– could be solved in real-time or faster: what now takes hours in supercomputers could take seconds in our system.
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With processing speeds between a supercomputer and quantum computer, whatever your processing request can be done faster than ever before. 20 to 100 times faster than current industry solutions.
Reducing price and giving you the best value, we give you the best bang for your buck. Experience the best of both worlds: Giving you the best computing power with the best energy efficiency.
Encryption, Prediction, Simulation, Optimization. The Hybrid Computer is not application specific like its cousin the Digital Computer
Advanced Computing Framework Features
Extreme Hybrid Processing
With Tamosi's Patented Hybrid eXtreme Computer processing, you can run simulations at speeds between a Supercomputer and Quantum Computer.
Chaotic Hybrid Encryption
Tamos's Chaotic Hybrid Encryption allows you to encrypt communications 20-100 times faster than current solutions.
Random Number Generator
With our HPRNG (Hybrid Pseudo-Random Number Generator) we can generate random numbers at rates of over 25 million (256-bits) keys per second.
End-to-End Encryption
Tamosi's Chaotic Hybrid Encryption Engine (CHECK) and Crypto-Hybrid Engine (CHE), our first flagship products, are cyber-physical products that are the first of its kind. They are an embodiment of Tamosi's technologies, that uses a novel method and apparatus for secure communication. It is based on hybrid (mixed: analog/digital) computing and chaos theory that generates potentially infinite (pseudo- random) keys, which can be used for unbreakable encryption and decryption.
NEXT GENERATION ADVANCED CYBER-PHYSICAL SECURITY (CPS): Provides secure communication between CPS devices
UNBREAKABLE ENCRYPTION: Leveraging the OTP (One-Time Pad), an encryption technique in cryptography that cannot be cracked
UBIQUITOUS: Easy to install (plug-and-play) device. Allows legacy communication protocols to have in-line secure encryption/decryption
EMBEDDED AUTHENTICATION: Only authorized devices are allowed to communicate
You don’t need to worry about man-in-the-middle attacks. Hackers/crackers, behind your firewall, could intercept your communication, but all they will see is random bits. And if they try to modify it, it will not be with the right authorization key, rendering immutability to your information. The embedded authentication, only allows authorized endpoint(s) with the corresponding key to understand (decrypt) the communication.​
CHECK is a plug-and-play dongle that attaches to the existing IIoT communication bus in cyber-physical systems (CPS), like petrochemical or power plants. Adding CHECK between the bus and end-point device (sensor/actuator) and between the bus and DCS (or SCADA, PLC) node makes certain the communication is secure. CHECK is transparent to existing devices; there is no change in the DCS or Endpoint device operations.
CHE provides secure communication among Industrial IoT devices using the existing infrastructure. CHE can be embedded in the OEM devices to provide secure communication between them. It uses mixed-signal firmware capable of realizing chaotic oscillators that can be digitally-tuned. The information from the chaotic oscillators is used to generate the InfiniKey (an "infinite" pseudo-random number, PRNG). The Key is used in a one-time-pad (OTP) encryption/decryption engine.
Industries Served
Oil & Gas companies use IoT sensors and other monitoring capabilities to track well production and pipeline operations across their manufacturing, refining and distribution processes. While enhancing efficiency, these IIoT technologies also create security vulnerabilities and expand the attack surface. Lack of threat visibility and security controls put energy companies' production operations at risk.
Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas
Cybersecurity for healthcare is constantly evolving with cyber threats only intensifying and happening more and more often. Many times it can be an innocent mistake by an employee who accidentally clicks on a phishing link within an email and ends up being a target for ransomware. Many ransomware attackers have changed their method of attack to encrypt not just files on an individual computer, but on core servers in order to prevent an entire health care organization from accessing shared files and databases.
The critical role that the energy sector plays in the functioning of a modern economy, with its increasing interconnection and digitization, with the emergence of smart grids and smart devices, makes the energy sector a highly attractive target for cyber-attacks aimed at disrupting operations. In a worst-case scenario, these attacks can result in infrastructure shut down, triggering economic and financial disruptions or even loss of life and massive environmental damage.
The complexity of manufacturing plants and systems adds challenges to cyber security management. For an attacker, this is a bliss as it leaves several loopholes available for probing. Financial gain (53%) and industrial espionage (47%) are the main motives behind cyber attacks on the manufacturing industry. In manufacturing, 86% of the cyber attacks are targeted.
America's modern military base, like most civilian industrial facilities, is an intricately interconnected web of systems that often is a model of efficiency. While efficient, and easy to access from nearly anywhere, these networks -- whether civilian or government operated -- are favored targets of cyber-enemies to our economy, and a growing underground of tech-savvy criminal syndicates. Security experts warn daily of the catastrophic consequences that await our critical infrastructure if long-overlooked gaps in industrial cybersecurity remain unaddressed.
The heightened level of interconnectivity in industrial environments are creating an increasingly exposed environment for intruders. The proliferation of these interconnected devices in government has not only led to an increase in the attack surface area, but has also led to an increase in the potential for future cyber attacks.
Blockchain & DLT
In DLT and blockchain, where hashing speed is paramount, Tamosi answers the bell. Empowering you with ultra-fast hashing, along with unbreakable encryption and authentication, Tamosi plans to be a leader in developing a brighter future for DLT Transaction/Storage
Blockchain & DLT
(Click for details)
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Quantum Proof?
Quantum Proof refers to cryptographic algorithms (usually public-key/private-key algorithms) that are thought to be secure against an attack by a quantum computer. The problem with currently popular algorithms is that their security relies on one of three hard mathematical problems: the integer factorization problem, the discrete logarithm problem or the elliptic-curve discrete logarithm problem. Quantum Computing has proven to break these schemes.
What is Mixed-Signal Hardware?
Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin have developed a mixed-signal solution that combines both analog and digital computers, taking the best of each and complimenting the weaknesses of the other. Our innovative mixed-signal computation circuits overcome problems of both digital and analog computing, is fast, stable, field-programmable, and performs computations with real numbers. Differential equations –ubiquitous in science, engineering, technology, commerce, and other areas– could be solved in real-time or faster: what now takes hours in supercomputers could take seconds in our system.
What are Chaotic Oscillators?
A Chaotic Oscillator is a simple set of equations or an electronic circuit that exhibits classic chaotic behavior. This means roughly that it is a “non-periodic oscillator”; it produces an oscillating waveform that, unlike an ordinary electronic oscillator, never “repeats”. Small differences in initial conditions, such as those due to rounding errors in numerical computation, yield widely diverging outcomes for such dynamical systems, rendering long-term prediction of their behavior impossible in general.
What is Hybrid Computing?
The digital computer performs numerical operations on discrete signals; in contrast, the analog computer performs algebraic and integro-differential operations upon continuous signals. Therefore certain operations, which are difficult to program on a digital computer, are available inherently on the analog machine. Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin have developed technologies named HxC (Hybrid Extreme Computer), that combines analog and digital computers that overcome the most difficult drawbacks of each technology. The result is a computer that can solve problems at speeds between supercomputers and quantum computers.
History of Tamosi
TAMOSI, LLC was incorporated in Austin, Texas in 2016. It was created as a spinoff of The University of Texas to commercialize technology developed at UT. The road of the technology spans over 30 years. When, as a need to develop real-time diagnostics of industrial equipment foster the development of the Hybrid Processor (HxC). After that, refinements of the architecture and self-tuning circuits realizing the variability of the IC manufacturing and the electronics behavior dependency on temperature. The research had funding from NSF, the NSF I-CORPS, and NSF SBIR programs, as well as from The University of Texas’ Center for Identity.